Monday, December 26, 2011

The Longest Night

Day turns to night & night turns to day. Remarkably, I'm still awake since around this time yesterday, having shot a wedding and driven 450 miles in between. My kids are super phsyched but should b equally cranky by the time their uncles wedding rolls around tomorrow (this) afternoon, at which point I may b on autopilot. But today (yesterday, whatever) went far better than expected, the bride&groom were amazing and I totally got caught up in their happiness. I dunno if it was the 5hourenergy, brownies or my lovely wife who very graciously stayed up to talk me through the whole drive but it flew by and we made it here easily. Stay tuned for the full report when I'm back blogging from basecamp.


  1. Thanks for the road-trip pics- was hoping for some. Glad you got there safely. Take some fun truck stop pics. ~Cuz

  2. only time ive ever heard a guy thank his wife for endlessly talking....

  3. Oh my- Sara- you crack me up
