Monday, December 12, 2011

AZ Hangers / Product Photography


There are times in the year that weddings & bar mitzvahs aren't very common. There are even times when family portraits are put on hold. But don't think that I sit in my studio with nothing to do, that my equipment is just collecting dust. Those are the times when I like to focus on product photography. The type of pictures that I can take in the comfort of my own space early in the morning or in the middle of the night. As a matter of fact these pictures were taken on my kitchen table:


It's not for lack of space that I decided to shoot these hangers outside of my studio. Sometimes the best way to shoot shadow free against a white background is on top of a clear surface. This round table perfectly fit the bill and it just made no sense moving it anywhere. So I setup my gear around it, using the walls as light modifiers and a white board as the background. Viola!


1 comment:

  1. If hangers are your thing I have a bag of wire ones Ill give you when I win this contest
