Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Linda Linn's Bags / Product Photography

This is kinda a follow up from yesterday's post about my product photography. A while ago I met a super-funky-talented woman in my community who is not only an excellent seamstress but an über creative as well. Prior to the whole Boho-chick craze Linda Linn began creating luxuriously colorful & textured pillows using textiles she often would customize in her home studio. My wife and I, newly married at the time, bought as many of the pillows as we could afford. Recently, Linda has been working hard making these fantastic bags that are every bit as wonderful as those original pillows, only far more functional, detailed and complex. If you love purses, bags & fashion or just want something handmade and one-of-a-kind, these would make a perfect purchase this Holiday Season.


Bag bottoms:


More bags...


...and more bags...


The detailing and craftsmanship is insane


This is a diaper bag complete with a diaper pad - which I would be even more afraid to use then those fancy cloth napkins at a nice restaurant:


Here's another embarrassing behind the scenes photo of my setup:


This is my dining room table, with all the clutter pushed to one end so that I could shoot on the other end. I actually wanted the bags to cast shadows on the background so I placed them directly on a cheap white foam board. For lighting I had one strobe aimed strait up at my white ceiling that provided a nice diffused main light. The other strobe sat nested inside a vase on the table (always improvise) and was used to add dimension to the image, giving the bags a nice edge highlight and the shadow on the background.


Then the images were cut out and composited in Photoshop, like so:


...and so:


If you love these bags as much as I do you must call or text Linda at 973-901-6398 and tell her you saw her bags on my blog.


  1. Looks like my dining room table- but no way was I taking pictures of it >:0

  2. i think everyones dining room table looks like that most of the time!
