Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Comment Contest Conclusion

And the Winner is...

UPDATE: Zealous voting had taken over this post!

I'm impressed by those of you who have taken the time to vote, either once or repeatedly. We have heard the opinion of past presidents and current football players as well as many regular followers of this blog :)
Rusi & I intended to sit down Saturday night and tally the votes and I figured we would count at least twice to assure accuracy. That is no longer an option as the task would probably take days. So I'm once again turning to you for help:


To make it more manageable please use the following guidelines:
A. We must count each single comment for votes. Each comment may count toward multiple finalists but only one time per comment. For instance, if "Anonymous said...1 & 2" then that is one vote for Finalist #1 and one vote for Finalist #2, TWO separate votes. But if "Anonymous said...3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3" then it only counts as ONE vote for Finalist #3
B. We need to keep track of how much we have counted. As votes continue to come in as well as the limited time people are able to help count we need to mark what was tallied. The comments/votes are listed as separate pages, in 200 comment blocks. Simply list the comment numbers that you were able to count.
C. We need to keep the tallies formatting consistent. After you are done counting please post your total as a new comment and write "COUNT" above the tally. Please also post your name below so I know who to thank.
D. We all know that honesty is the best policy!

If you are able to help count your new tally/comment should look like this:


Anonymous said...




Thanks for the help!!!


...I can't decide! Until I started looking through the posts I hadn't realized the sheer volume of comments since this contest started, let alone great comments. One of the finalist consistantly posted so many good comments that I thought she was a shoo-in for the prize (see #4 below); if there was an award for "Most Great Comments" she would definatley have won. But this is the SINGLE best Comment Contest and comparing them one to one I was left with several that I think could win:

1. "I like the 'we'll work something out' part. Proud to be your first commenter on this post!"
- Dvora in Israel on Comment Contest

2. "The first photo I saw of yours was the one you sent me during your Yeshiva year in Israel. It was my brother playing guitar. It captured him so well and I missed him so much. I looked at it every day. Thank you."
- Shana on Comment Contest UPDATE

3. "I never really think about the fact that I don't have pictures from Daniels bris (it having taken place on shavuos), but only your work could make me a little sad about that three and a half years later... Then again, maybe it's just the pregnancy hormones kicking in (Doubt it though :) you rock at what you do!)"
- Aviva on Danny's Bris

4. "Can you throw in a free coloring book for the second place winner?" & "Its tiring matching your clothing with the decor"
- Daniela G on White Winter / BMOB Portraits & on Blogging Is Hard

5. "Who in gods name are these people and why isn't more of our daughter on here?"
- Ari W on Comment Contest

6. "only time ive ever heard a guy thank his wife for endlessly talking...."
- Sara Cohn on The Longest Night


If you haven't already figured it out I would like YOU TO VOTE FOR THE BEST COMMENT
Simply post a comment below with the number of the above comment that you think should win.
While I am curious to hear explanations along with your vote it will not help in deciding the winner. Whoever gets the most votes wins, end of story. And I don't care who votes or how many times they vote, I'm just going to tally up the comments after the voting period ends.


  1. of course, dvora rotter!

  2. I vote for me (#6) if only to support yaking women

  3. I totally vote for me despite the fact that I did not bring the funny. But if we do indeed make it to the States this summer, I can bring the lemon squares. (Though you may have noticed I can make other stuff now, too. If not, you should be checking my business page more often. Then again, you have an awesome wife who probably takes great care of you. I do wonder if you still eat as much as you did when you were 16, and if so, how can she possibly keep up?). Would you even recognize my kids if you were to photograph them, I wonder...

  4. #2 because she describes how moving your pictures are.

  5. #2. Thanks fellow 2 voters. I also remember seeing a picture Meir took of a can of Coke, strange right? Nope, it was a fantastic picture.

  6. #2!!! Definitely would give you cute subject matter to photograph :)

  7. #2 because it's so sweet and special

  8. you said i could post multiple here goes a min of posting number 4

  9. Daniela that's the spirit!

  10. I think another good reason I (#1!!!) should win is because my parents have your toilet paper flying over the trees pictures hanging in their bathroom!

  11. I love #6 because Saul hates when i yap at night but appreciates it when we drive!

  12. I vote for #1 Dvora! (Why? well, because she's my sister...)

  13. Definitely number 4.

  14. #2; not least because anyone who can make my ugly mush look good deserves some credit.

  15. Can you do a group photo of the finalists? That way noone feels left out.

  16. If I have to come all the way to galut to have you take pictures of our family, at least don't I deserve some kind of prize? Not that my wonderful family and home in Israel is not enough... I VOTE #1!!!

  17. And if I don't win, I am seriously considering posting pix from Shana's bat mitzvah online! They were beautiful of course, but still...

  18. Hmm- I'm torn between 5 & 6. 5 because I think every person feels that way about their kids. And 6 because it's so true. ~Cuz

  19. I think number 5

  20. I think 5 should win because its the best

  21. D'Brickashaw FergusonJanuary 04, 2012 5:13 PM

    I like # 5

  22. I pick number 5

  23. Number 5 buddy!!

  24. Its a tough one but I pick number 5

  25. I pick 5 because its the best

  26. If all these people are choosing 5 then I feel like thats the best choice. I choose 5

  27. I'm with Anonymous. I choose 5

  28. Brian SchottenheimerJanuary 04, 2012 5:26 PM

    Number 5 please!

  29. The best man might not win the presidency but at least he should win this contest. I choose 5!

  30. I agree with Barak! Number 5 for me.

  31. I did not have se..... I mean..... I choose 5!

  32. Get the HELL Off the Beach and go vote for number 5!

  33. Four score and seven years ago our fathers voted for number 5!

  34. Lyndon B. JohnsonJanuary 04, 2012 5:35 PM

    I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President because I need to spend all my time voting for number 5!

  35. Read my lips, vote number 5!

  36. Are we going to have an issue with hanging "chads"? I vote number 5!

  37. I am not a crook.
    Because i voted #5

  38. Did I mention #2 should win???

  39. Again, that would be #2... incase you missed it.

  40. Number 2
    Do you regret saying we can vote multiple times? It just shows how much we value your photography that we're willing to make complete bufoons of ourselves! Happy counting. :-)

  41. #4 all the way!
    But can I just mention that I am a little bit offended that I'm not a finalist? I think you should do another contest!
